Gas filling manifold

Estimate reading time: 2 minutes

I started to build gas filling manifold, the previous solutions were not satisfactory 🙁 This manifold should have these features:

  • all parts brazed together (by AlSi compound)
  • kf-25 flange connection
  • baratron connection
  • evacuation tube connection
  • valve for fine control of neon
  • valve for fine control of argon
  • valve for fine control of vacuum, when the pressure in the system is too high, this will suck some gas back. It wont be necessary to evacuate all the system and start filling from scratch..
All the parts on the photos below are made on metal lathe, using 4 independent jaws chuck..


The base of the manifold, one hole for baratron, one for the evacuation tube. All holes are 15mm in diameter to keep the pumping as fast as possible, smaller diameter means longer pumping times.. This is the most complex thing I made on metal lathe so far 😉

kf-25 flange

Baratron connection, it will be brazed together…

The evacuation pipe with a fitting for 6mm glass tube.

There is a base of the valve what will be used for filling the gas. It is made separate so it is possible to make it on lathe (more precise than on drill press)..